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Evening Classes & Events



Tea Leaf Readings


Learn how to read tea leaves to tell your future with ….

Your choice of three teas provided.


7:00 - 8:30





Succulents in a Tea Cup!


Learn to make your own Succulents in a Tea Cup with…..While enjoying a cup of tea


7:00 - 8:30






Learn About Tea



Tea Talk Time while enjoying your choice of 3 of Hartley's own blends!


7:00 - 8:30






Tea Tasting!


Tea Tasting with ….


7:00 - 8:30






Etiquette Lessons


Learn the proper way to dine with…..

Tea and Scones provided.


7:00 - 8:30





Flower Crown Classes


Make your own Flower Crown with …

Tea provided while you create.


7:00 - 8:30





Make a Fairy Garden in a China Saucer!


Come make a tiny garden in a saucer with……

Tea is provided as you create.


7:00 - 8:30






Silent Book Club


If you like nothing more than a relaxing spot to be alone with a good book and a cup of tea….with other like-minded people join us for Silent Book Club.

Bring your favorite book, audio book or laptop (and earbuds) or choose one of our books. We’ll provide the tea and scones and the relaxing atmosphere.


6:00 to 7:30







Me and My Princess Tea Party!


Bring your little Princess in for a fun evening starting with a pair of fairy wings just for her (or him). You will choose your tea or apple juice from the tea menu and while you wait for your individual teapots to be made you will create a jeweled crown. You will then share a Three Tier Server of 4 Adult Tea Sandwiches and 2 Children Tea Sandwiches - 1 PB&J with a sprinkle crust and 1 Cucumber and Butter; Scones with Clotted Cream and Jam, and an assortment of petite treats.

Pirates welcome and will receive an eye patch and gold coins.


6:00 - 7:30

$55 for both

($38 for each additional Adult and $20 for each additional Child)





Speed Friending!


Like Speed Dating but to meet new Friends!

Come make friends with other 20’s to 30’s ish people looking for new friends to grab a bite to eat with, go to the movies with, or go out for a few drinks with.

During the evening you will have 3 to 5 minute conversations with a number of locals in your age group wishing to expand their social circles. If you think you would like to get together with them again mark them down as a yes on the provided card. If they also mark you as a yes we will provide both of you with the others' contact info. It’s that simple. A casual, fun night of mingling and a great cup of tea!


7:00 - 8:30


~ What people are saying ~

    "Wow, this is such a great idea! I can't wait to bring my granddaughter!"  Eliisa P.

"So excited about this!  Love tea and afternoon tea."  Nan O.

"Yay so excited for a tea house out our way!!!"  Christina C.

"OMG this will be so fun!!!" Maria C.

"That’s beautiful! I’ll be there!" Elaine H.

"Sounds lovely & I would be delighted to bring my friends to such a place."  Elizabeth B.

"What a great idea!! I am definitely interested to visit your new place when it opens." Carol B.

"Oh I'm so excited at the prospect of a tea room nearby!!"  Joanna R.

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